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IT Parent and Student Help Desk Form


Complete the form below if you are experiencing technical difficulties with an MTSD issued device (iPad/Chromebook) or leaning platform.  Completion of this form will create a ticket for the IT department.

Hours: Monday - Friday | 6 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Please note: Requests that are received after 2:30pm will be responded to the following day by the IT department. Please copy classroom teachers and/or building principals on messages that may affect assignment deadlines for that day.

If your device has physical damage such as, cracked screen or broken keyboard, costs associated with these repairs will be added to the Student's Infinite Campus account under Fees. 

Must contain only numbers

*Note: If you are a student requesting a password reset, please provide an non-district alternate email address.

Device Typerequired
Did you purchase device insurance for this School Year?required
Are you In-Person or Cyber Learning?required
Name of the app IT Issue is being experienced withrequiredPlease select up to 6 choices
Please select up to 6 choices